These are some paragraphs for a project in school. Enjoy!!! ^-^
Cherokee weaponry is still a popular subject today. The Cherokee people would use axes, clubs, and even daggers. They would also put nails, metal spikes, or even animal teeth on the ends of their clubs. When a boy reaches the age of ten, he is taught how to make blowguns and shot darts. They were also taught how to make poison for the ends of their darts.
The Cherokee made many war treaties. In 1785, they made a peace treaty with the U.S. However, the treaty failed. The Cherokee went to war with the U.S until there was anther treaty made in 1791. The treaty enabled the U.S to take the Cherokee’s land. They used it to dig for gold, and to give their people a place to settle.
We know very little about what happened after Cherokee battles. What we do know is that after battles, a huge sacking took place. They took all of the villages gold, silver, furs, and skins, ect. A horse was a prized possession, and they enjoyed stealing them because it was reckless and took athletic skill. They would also take the scalps of the dead, and would later set the village on fire.
The most widely known Cherokee war is the war with the Anglo. It is also known as “War with those in the red coats”. It was the French verses Indian war that was caused by each party repeatedly suspecting the other of betrayal. The British sought assistance from the Cherokee after tensions increased in the 1750’s. They did agree to help, but the French had to build forts around their villages to protect them from whom they were fighting.
Many facts are floating around about Cherokee wars. The Cherokee had war chiefs and peace chiefs. They had a war with the Creeks in Tali’wa once. Before leaving for battle, the tribes would hold a ceremony for the warriors. During a few ceremonies, the Iroquois and the Chickasaw tribes attacked them. Usually, if their tribe had won the battle, there was a large feast waiting for them.